
Veterans Benefits

Veteran Savannah MO Funeral Home And Cremations
Understanding Veterans Benefits

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In Honor of those who have served: Help for Veterans & Their Families

At Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory, we honor our veterans by assisting their families with obtaining all veterans' benefits, Social Security benefits and life insurance benefits that your loved one is entitled to. However, veteran benefits are not paid automatically. You must contact the Veterans Administration. Our staff can assist you and file the claim on your behalf.  Here is some helpful information from the VA website.


Veterans Saint Joseph MO Funeral Home And CremationsBenefits only at Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory:

•  Free Burial Space for a casket or urn at Memorial Park  
•  Free Bronze Marker provided by the Veterans Admistration
•  Free US Flag
•  Free Presidential Certificate

Veteran Benefits Faucett MO Funeral Home And CremationsDuplicate Medals:

If you have the DD214 but have lost or misplaced medals such as a purple heart, a bronze star or a theatre ribbon, we can order it for you. Costs vary depending on each individual medal.

Veterans Savannah MO Funeral Home And CremationsWood Flag Cases:

The Military provides a wood flag case for active duty deaths. For all other veterans, we stock wood flag cases. Costs vary according to quality of materials used in construction.

Veteran Saint Joseph MO Funeral Home And CremationsHomeless Veterans Burial Program:

This program provides dignified burial services for eligible homeless and indigent veterans to ensure they receive the honors in death that their service in life merited. This program was founded upon the belief that every veteran deserves a dignified and honorable burial. Through the program, homeless and indigent veterans who have no family to claim them are identified and provided with a proper military burial. Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory provides preparation of the body, transportation, clothing, casket and coordination of the funeral service, a grave, opening and closing of the gravesite, a grave liner, a headstone or marker and a graveside ceremony.

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